CZ 预计将于 4 月 30 日在西雅图被判刑。美国检察官告诉美国华盛顿西区地方法院:“鉴于赵故意违反美国法律的严重程度及其后果,有必要判处高于指导方针的 36 个月监禁。”

CZ 预计将于 4 月 30 日在西雅图被判刑。美国检察官告诉美国华盛顿西区地方法院:“鉴于赵故意违反美国法律的严重程度及其后果,有必要判处高于指导方针的 36 个月监禁。”



CZ is expected to be sentenced on April 30 in Seattle. "Given the magnitude of Zhao's willful violation of U.S. law and its consequences, an above-guidelines sentence of 36 months is warranted," U.S. prosecutors told the U.S. district court for the western district of Washington.

Wu Blockchain (@WuBlockchain)

消息来源:Wu Blockchain (@WuBlockchain)
发布时间:2024-04-24 13:53:07